Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Holy Conferencing Around Sexuality

Tom  Choi gave me the opportunity today to sit in for him for the General Conference  sessions on Holy Conferencing. I entered into conversation with a group of eight. Three came from the Congo, one from Finland, and the rest from around the United States.
As we began to talk about issues of human sexuality, one of the delegates from Congo observed that the church’s struggles with polygamy in Africa paralleled the church’s struggles with homosexuality in the United States. He suggested that we needed to get to know each other’s issues if we truly wanted to be in relationship with each other. He concluded by suggesting that the real issue is helping people find relationship with God in Jesus Christ. So… maybe, we should stop judging people on the basis of their sexual behaviors and simply welcome them into our churches… polygamists  and lesbian/gay people alike.
- Frank Wulf, 1st Reserve Clergy Delegate

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