Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012 I want to add one short note to the excellent, creative and enjoyable to read "Saturday Night Live" post by Paige regarding the General Administration Legislative Committee. At the last moment with a full house (standing room only) and after lengthy consultation by the parliamentarian "poobahs" and others, it was decided there could be ONE MORE VOTE but with no debate. The chair of the committee then stated that the vote would be on the MFSA Plan. There was a stunned silence. The vote was conduced. It failed. The chair thanked everyone, especially our Cal-Pac secretary of the Legislative Committee, Leanne and the meeting was over. This morning the plenary voted to suspend the rules and a compromise plan of the original IOT group and Plan B will be printed in the Daily Christian Advocate. Someone mentioned that they were concerned that the MFSA proposal was not included in the compromise. There was no action regarding that so it was agreed that there will be a compromise version printed in the DCA. Note: The original MFSA plan was printed so in a way it is available for the delegates. A rather interesting election was just held. The motion to have a set aside bishop was defeated this morning. Norma Kehrberg Reserve Lay Delegate

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