Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Restructuring Proposal

To get a look at the compromise proposal for restructuring that will be considered tomorrow, go to www.planumc.org.


  1. PlanUMC is up for debate this morning. Is it the right plan for us at this time? Does it have enough widespread input and consensus to succeed? Has the full global nature of the church been given due consideration? Is it adequately representative? Pray for God's wisdom and Spirit to be with us.

  2. PlanUMC passed this morning with an amendment to increase the number of Central Conference representatives to boards and agencies. The matter now goes to the General Council on Finance and Administration for financial review before it comes back to the body for final consideration. This afternoon, the proposal was referred to the Judicial Council for consideration of its constitutionality.

    SI, keep praying!

    Frank Wulf
    First Clergy Reserve
