Monday, April 30, 2012

Claremont School of Theology

The proposal to delete Claremont School of Theology from the list of approved theological schools was soundly defeated in committee. The petition has, however, been removed from the list of petitions not supported by legislative committee so that it can be brought to the plenary for further debate and consideration. In its newsletter for today, Good News has announced the intention to amend the proposal to include Boston University School of Theology, Iliff School of Theology, and Gammon School of Theology among the schools to be removed from the approved list. Keep watch. We'll let you know about developments. Frank Wulf First Clergy Reserve


  1. I have a close family member who has attended *both* Claremont and Iliff and they're both wonderful institutions, with excellent faculty and turning out enlightened, spirit-filled graduates. Shame on "Good News" for their blatant attack on institutions that don't fit their mold of biblical literalism and closed-minded conservatism! Let's keep shining a bright light on this issue and keep them from causing even more harm to our church.

  2. Just going to keep remembering the FLASH MOB message from today, and that fabulous reality: "You can't stop the beat!"
    The beat goes on, and it's unfortunate that the so-called "Good News' leadership is wasting everyone's time and energy on such silly legislative attacks.

  3. Those who wanted to decertify Claremont, Iliff, Boston and Gammon seem either to have made a strategic decision or failed to file the correct paperwork to remove the proposal from the list of non-calendared items. So, for the moment at least, the schools seem to be safe.
